James RutherfordOct 18, 2021'The Incredibles': The Electrifying Animated Tale of a Family of Undercover SuperheroesThe Incredibles (2004) is a thrilling adventure story, delivered in the form of computer animation, that details the exploits of the Parr...
James RutherfordOct 3, 2021'Anomalisa': A Uniquely Introspective Animated Depiction of Existential Crisis and Human FragilityAnomalisa (2015) is a unique and introspective drama about a disenchanted motivational speaker named Michael Stone (David Thewlis) who...
James RutherfordJun 11, 2021'Fantastic Mr. Fox': Wes Anderson's Jovial and Inventive Adventure in Stop Motion Animation"Fantastic Mr. Fox" is a light-hearted and clever escapade featuring George Clooney as the voice of the titular omnivore as he wages war...
James RutherfordOct 20, 2019'Waltz With Bashir': A Riveting and Profoundly Revealing Animated Documentary from Israel“Waltz With Bashir” (2008) is an autobiographical animated documentary from Israeli filmmaker Ari Folman (“Made in Israel”, “The...
James RutherfordAug 1, 2019'Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse': A Stunningly Dynamic Computer-Animated Escapade“Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse” is an animated fantasy from Marvel Studios featuring young Miles Morales (Shameik Moore), a boarding...
James RutherfordJul 11, 2019'The Red Turtle': A Heartrending Animated Fable Without Words“The Red Turtle” (“La Tortue Rouge”) is an animated French/Belgian/Japanese fable about a nameless man shipwrecked on a desert island who...
James RutherfordNov 17, 2018'Persepolis': A Meaningful and Enlightening French-Iranian AnimationBased on the autobiographical graphic novel by Marjane Satrapi, “Persepolis” is an animated French-Iranian drama that follows Satrapi's